MVC-1000A1显微硬度计(手动转塔) Model MVC-1000A1 Micro Hardness Tester
MVC-1000A1型数显显微硬度计造型新颖、美观,而且它具有良好的可靠性,可操作性和直观性。内置硬度计算器,可通过输入压痕对角线长度,直接在LCD屏幕上显示硬度值。 该机采用高倍率光学测量系统,目镜鼓轮一次读数。可测定钢、有色金属、IC薄片、薄塑料、金属薄片、涂层、表面覆层、层压金属、热处理碳化层和淬火硬化层的深度与硬度梯度。 The A1 MVC-1000 type counts to show the degree of hardness accounts the shape novel and beautiful, and it have the good and dependable, maneuverability with keep the view.The inside places the degree of hardness calculator, can pass the importation press the diagonal line length, direct the manifestation degree of hardness is worth in LCD holding the act.
That machine adopts the high magnification optics the diagraph the system, the eyes drum round is a to read the number.Can measurese the steel, have the color metals, the thin slice of IC, thin plastics, metals thin slice and draw the layer, surface layer, layer press the metals, heat handles the carbonization layer hardens the depth of the layer with the fire of and degree of hardness steps degree.
显微硬度标尺HV0.01, HV0.025, HV0.05, HV0.1, HV0.3, HV0.5, HV1 显示保持时间(秒),硬度值 试验力10 - 25 - 50 - 100 - 200 - 300 - 500 - 1000gf 精度符合EN-ISO 6507 加载控制自动(加载/保持/卸载) 试验力保持时间5 ~ 60秒(5秒为增量) 试验力选择外置式选力旋钮,试验力显示在LCD屏上物镜10×,40× 目镜放大倍数10× 总放大倍数100×(观察),400×(测量) 测量范围200μm 分辨率0.5μm XY试台 尺寸 100 x 100mm 行程范围 25 x 25mm 分辨率0.01mm(微分头) 试件 最大高度85mm 最大宽度120mm(从压头中心线至机壁距离) 电源110-220V 50Hz 尺寸490×185×515mm 重量 35kg